Centre for Community Child Health

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Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH)

  • At the Centre for Community Child Health, we want the best possible outcomes for children, families and communities. We know that the health and prosperity of our communities and our nation depends on the types of environments and experiences our children have in their early years, starting from conception. If we want children to be healthy, well and to develop the capabilities they will need to become participating, contributing adults, we need to invest wisely in these early years.

    The Centre for Community Child Health is a Department of the Royal Children’s Hospital and a Research group of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Our website is www.ccch.org.au

    In addition to our work in community settings, you can find out more about our hospital-led initiatives below:


Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

The Centre for Community Child Health is a department of The Royal Children’s Hospital and a research group of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.